
Torn (Demon Kissed #3) - Page 28/28

Momentarily stunned, Al's mouth dropped open as her blade disintegrated in her hand. She paused as the weapon turned to dust. Eyes wide, she looked up at Eric with terror in her eyes. Eric jumped behind the old woman and with a flick of his wrist, caught the brimstone chains in his other hand, slid it under her throat - and pulled. The book fell to the ground as the brimstone blackened chains sliced through her neck. Al's body crumpled and fell to the ground.

Screaming rang in my ears as I watched what happened, unable to help. My heart lurched in my chest when I saw Al's body fall. Every muscle in my body screamed to go faster and stop him before he escaped. Collin paused for only half a second after the shards landed, but it was too long. He dove at Eric. Eric had already snatched the book from the dust. While he did so, Eric held his golden gaze locked on mine with a smirk on his face.

During those seconds, it felt like time stopped. I couldn't run fast enough. It didn't matter that my hair had turned to violet flames, and my power crackled around me. It didn't matter that I never slowed. It didn't matter that my power came when I needed it, because it was already too late. Violet flames crackled from my fingertips as I reached for Eric's neck. He would never walk away from me ever again. The violet flames licked his skin, but Eric effonated, and his body dissolved before I could rip him to pieces. I fell to the ground, next to the place where Al lay motionless. Screams of rage ravaged my throat as I beat the dirt with my hands next to her.

When I looked up, Collin stood next to me. His face was dirty, and bleeding. He looked at me with my flaming hair whipping around me face. There was a moment when I saw him and he saw me. He knew who I was. He knew the power I had - the power that I had that I was afraid to use. In that moment, my world shattered. Nothing would ever be the same again. Breathing heavily, I looked down at Al. My throat tightened, and I doubled over and buried my face in the dirt, screaming.

Collin tried to pull me up, telling me to leave her there, but I wouldn't let him.

Collin was a traitor. He betrayed me when he fed me his blood. I could never trust him again. But I would lust after him forever because of what he did. All this time, I thought he offered me love, but that wasn't what it was at all. He was no better than Eric.

Eyes wide with rage, I looked up at him. My hostile thoughts pushed into his mind, The bond's a bitch when the person on the other end hates you, huh?

Collin's brow pinched tightly with his blue eyes blazing. He went to say something, but snapped his mouth shut. The muscle in his jaw was flexed, as he bit back whatever he was going to say.

I bit off the words, practically spitting in his face, "I never want to see you again." Collin stared at me stonily and didn't reply. He pressed his lips together, as his fingers balled into fists at his sides. I didn't care if I hurt him at that point. The damage was done and there was no way to fix it. He would always mistrust me, and I couldn't look at him without wondering if my feelings for him were real or induced by his blood. Closing my eyes hard, I tore my gaze away from him. Tears streaked my face in an endless wave. I sat next to Al crying into the dirt, and the next time I looked back - Collin was gone.


I went to Al's church to pack my things. I wouldn't be returning there again. Julia would soon learn of Al's death and send someone to replace her. I stuffed some clothes into my bag, and went to the kitchen to pack some food. The night Al died did something to me. It felt like I was torn in half. I sat there until the dim rays of morning shone through the grey clouds and found out the hard way what happens to an ancient Martis' body when they die. I'd had her hand in mine, and was telling her I didn't know what to do. That still I needed her. She was the only one who hadn't lied to me, and now she was gone. As I was pleading and crying, her body turned to white mist in my hands. I watched the pearly vapors as they wisped away from me and into the sky. That was a few hours ago. I managed to pull myself together long enough to decide what to do next.

I went back to the church to pack my things and grab supplies before the other Martis arrived. After ravaging the cabinets, and filling my bag with food, I headed out into the frosty early morning air. The cold gust blew against my face as white specs of tiny snow fell from the sky.

The last time I had to deal with death, I didn't know what to do. Overwhelming sadness had engulfed me then. I allowed it and mourned Apryl for months, doing nothing to avenge her death. I let misery and grief consume me whole until there was nothing left of the girl I'd been. Well, this time would be different. This time, I saw who killed Al and he wasn't getting away from me. This time I knew exactly how to make myself feel better. This time, when I found Eric, I wouldn't let him escape - I'd kill him.

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