
The Vampire and the Virgin (Love at Stake #8) - Page 39/39

"No, he's a sweet and gentle man."

"How can that be? Isn't he some kind of demon?"

"No. Robby was dying on a battlefield when his grandfather transformed him. He was a good, honorable man, and he still is. His death couldn't change who he is."

Eleni pursed her lips. "I thought vampires were evil."

"Some of them are. An evil person will turn into an evil vampire. Actually, I suspect they become even more evil. All that extra power goes to their head."

"He's not a devil worshipper, is he?"

Olivia snorted. "No. He was raised Roman Catholic. And he says he's willing to become Greek Orthodox."

"Oh." Eleni's aura of suspicion cleared away. "That's good news."

"And we can still have children."

"What?" A surge of joy emanated from Eleni. "Why didn't you say so from the beginning? Of course we'll welcome your young man into the family."

Olivia exhaled with relief. "Thank you. It'll mean a lot to Robby that you've accepted him."

Eleni waved a hand in dismissal. "I always knew he was the man for you."

"I thought you had your hopes up for Spiro."

Eleni shrugged. "Spiro ran off last month to get married." She winced. "To Dimitrios."

Olivia laughed. "I'm going to meet Robby on the beach after sunset. I can bring him back here if you like."

"Of course!" Eleni bustled over to the refrigerator. "What would he like to eat?"

"He doesn't eat, Yia Yia. He drinks synthetic blood out of a bottle every night."

"You mean you won't have to cook for him?" Eleni shut the fridge door, smiling. "That is perfect for you, child. I'm afraid you were never much of a cook."

Olivia hugged her grandmother. "Thank you so much for understanding. I knew I needed to tell you the truth about Robby."

"Of course." Eleni wagged a finger at her. "I will know if you ever lie to me."

"This is something we need to keep secret. I know you like to gossip with - "

"I do not gossip," Eleni huffed. "And I can keep a secret. Now go on, go see that young man of yours. And tell him I expect you two to get married here in my church."

"Yes, ma'am." Olivia left the kitchen and crossed the courtyard. Memories flashed through her mind. This was where she'd first talked with Robby, where she'd first started falling in love.

She hurried down the stairs, then headed down the beach toward Petra. The sun was low on the horizon, turning the sky pink and gold and setting the sea ablaze with golden sparkles.

The Draganesti villa came into view. Robby had left a message on her phone that he'd arrived shortly before dawn. She'd been waiting all day for him to wake from his death-sleep. She stayed on the beach to watch the sun disappear over the horizon. It was a beautiful end to a day, and a beautiful beginning for her new life.

"Are ye sure ye're no' a Greek goddess?" Robby called out to her.

She turned and grinned at him. He was standing on the bluff, looking gorgeous as usual. "I won't object to being worshipped."

He jumped off the bluff and landed neatly beside her. "I missed you." He brushed back a curl that the breeze had blown across her cheek.

"It's only been two days since I saw you last." She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "I told my grandmother about you."

He winced. "How did she take it?"

"As far as I can tell, you could be an alien from another galaxy, and it wouldn't matter as long as we can have children."

He chuckled. "I like yer grandmother." He stepped back. "Remember when ye asked me yer three questions?"


"Ask them again." He took her hands in his. "Ask them again, and I will answer."

She smiled. "What do you want more than anything in the world?"

He squeezed her hands. "I want you."

Her heart expanded with joy. "And what do you fear more than anything in the world?"

"Losing you."

"And if you get what you want more than anything, will it make you a better person?"

"Aye, it will." He knelt on one knee. "Will ye marry me, Olivia?"

"Yes!" She fell on her knees and wrapped her arms around him. "Yes."

He hugged her tight. "I love you, Olivia."

Tears filled her eyes. "I love you, too."

"I looked up yer last name in a dictionary, and it means salvation. That's what ye've done to me, lass. Ye saved me from a life filled with hatred and vengeance. I'm free now."

She rested her hands on his face and gazed into his glittering green eyes. "We're free together."

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