
Styxx (Dark-Hunter #22) - Page 48/52

He's too good to even talk to anyone. Look at him, walking around like he's so important. Ryssa's harsh observations and condemnation were very different from Ash's new vantage point. With hindsight, he no longer saw his brother's vanity and arrogance as much as he saw Styxx's exhaustion, and wary sadness.

And he did remember Bethany. Vaguely. But those memories stung hard as they reminded Ash of how much resentment he'd felt whenever he saw Styxx with her. Because Artemis had refused to publicly claim him, the fact that Bethany had smiled and embraced Styxx whenever she saw him had made Acheron hate them both all the more.

"And the other two times?" Ash asked, trying to find some sense of peace with himself.

"The next one wasn't quite so bad. Styxx had his army with him then. But they'd been short on supplies and hammered every step of the way by the Atlanteans who wanted them dead and burned. Even so, he was victorious."

And he'd been viciously attacked on his way home by jealous Greeks.

Savitar scratched at his cheek and pinned him with a cold stare. "It's the last time he was there that was the bad one."

"Worse than Estes?" Ash asked in stunned disbelief.

He nodded slowly. "You know about Apollo's mark on his back?"

"Yeah. I saw it before I came here."

"Your brother didn't take to slavery well. He fought Apollo bitterly, to the point Apollo decided to violently break him. When he couldn't do it by himself, he solicited others. Styxx spent a year in Atlantis as a prisoner of war. First the gods had their go at him, and then they turned him over to the Atlantean queen and her people in Aeryn."

Ash winced at that. "They tortured him."

"Oh, they did a lot more to him than that."

Ash cringed. Having been his brother's scapegoat in a brothel, he could only imagine how much worse others had been when they actually had Styxx in their hands. One thing about the ancient world, their cruelty had been creative.

And harsh.

But for the life of him, Ash couldn't remember a time when Styxx hadn't been accounted for. "Other than war, when was he gone for a year?"

"You already know the answer, Acheron. It was that last year when he kept acting so strange. When he actually mingled with people in public and partied. That wasn't Styxx."

Of course not. Even Ryssa had commented on how war must have changed him because he was acting so out of character. "The year he was engaged to Nefertari." The same year Acheron was gelded, tortured, and the conspiracy against his father had happened.

Savitar nodded. "Apollo was behind it all. Like I said, he wanted Styxx broken. So he yanked Styxx out of the palace and left one of his minions there to keep anyone from knowing what he'd done.... His goal was to ruin Styxx's life and reputation. To turn everyone against him."

And he had definitely succeeded.

"When did Styxx return to Didymos?"

"You know that, too."

Ash glanced away. When Styxx had been forced to kneel naked in front of Apollo in a temple filled with laughing citizens ...

You should have seen him, Acheron, Ryssa's voice echoed in his head as she'd recounted it to him later. It serves him right after insulting Apollo with his hubris.

Hubris ... fighting Apollo's ownership.

And like the others, Acheron had been amused by Styxx's public humiliation that had been similar to the one Acheron had been given, courtesy of Apollo and Artemis in her temple.

No wonder Styxx hated them all.

Savitar sighed again. "In case you haven't had enough guilt ladled on you, let me mind-fuck you one more time."

Ash's stomach shrank with dread. "What?"

"You know how all Chthonians are mortal born? None are supposed to ever come from the gods?"

"Yeah?" Ash was the only exception to that rule.

"Styxx didn't steal your birthright, Grom ... you stole his. He was the one who was supposed to be born a Chthonian. But when you were put into the womb with him, you sucked up all of his main powers from him and left him with some pretty crappy byproducts."

The nosebleeds and headaches and ability to hear other people's thoughts.

And no means to protect himself from it.


Ash was so nauseated over it all, he wasn't sure how he kept from vomiting. "How do I make this right, Savitar?"

"That, my brother, is the question. And if I knew the answer, I'd play the lottery."

August 8, 2012

Styxx slowed his horse as he approached the modest-sized Bedouin camp where he came every year around this time to trade. Girls and women were tending goats and sheep, and cooking, along with other chores. They'd already donned their burquas since their scouts would have warned them of his approach long before he'd arrived. The men were tending horses and camels. Those men who could be easily seen, anyway. Styxx had noted the number of them who'd been hidden as guards and scouts on his way in. To most, they wouldn't be seen, but very little escaped Styxx's scrutiny.

As soon as the camp members could ascertain his gargantuan size, they knew who he was. With the exception of the Atlanteans and gods, Styxx had always towered over others. But since the Bedouins tended to be shorter than average, he felt even more like a freakish giant whenever he was around them.

Reaching the center of their camp, Styxx lowered the keffiyeh from his face and left it to trail down his shoulder then dismounted. He petted Skylos to calm him and nodded a welcome to several of the tribe members who greeted him.

A young boy came forward to take the reins of his horse and camel. "Hi, Sadur," Styxx said to the boy as he quietly handed him a Hershey's chocolate bar.

Sadur's face lit up. "Thank you, my lord!"

Styxx inclined his head to him. He'd bartered for the bar last week with a tour group that had passed by his own camp. While he would have enjoyed it, he knew the boy would love it more. Skylos ran after Sadur as he led Styxx's horse and camel to water.

Rahim, a cousin of Sheikh Saif, who ruled this tribe, came out of the largest tent with a smile on his face. Unlike Styxx's plain black garments, Rahim's held beautiful gold, red, and white embroidery to let others know which tribe, social class, and marital status he belonged to.

Styxx placed his hand over his heart as a sign of respect and humility. "Salaam alaikum." Peace be with you.

Smiling, Rahim hugged him then held his hand out. "Prince Styxx, it is so good to see you again."

Styxx took his hand and had to bend over so that they could touch noses three times. Rahim held on to his hand after they shook as a sign of friendship and welcome.

"I trust the Sahara has been good to you this year?" Rahim asked.

"Very good, indeed. I see you took a wife. Congratulations."

"Ah yes, my Yesenia. I finally won her and she told me only yesterday that she will be gifting me with a firstborn this coming November."

Styxx smiled at the news. "Again, congratulations, my friend."

Rahim moved his right hand like a scratching claw, beckoning Styxx to enter his cousin's tent. He took him into the mag'ad where the sheikh stood with important members of his tribe and family.

Saif came forward immediately to embrace him. "Prince Styxx! Salaam alaikum!"

While Styxx despised his title, social status was extremely important to the desert people, and it bought him a needed advantage when it came to trade and other necessities. It was the only thing his royal birth had ever been good for. "And with you, my friend."

Saif beckoned him to sit on one of the elaborate burgundy cushions on the Persian carpet-lined floor and to partake of the cardamom coffee and small feast that had been prepared when they'd been notified of a stranger's approach.

Placing his hand over his heart again, Styxx gave the sheikh a bow. "Thank you, Your Highness. I am honored."

With a bright smile, Rahim passed him a bowl of dates and fresh yogurt, which they knew were Styxx's favorites.

Saif took Styxx's cup and tasted the coffee first as a way of letting Styxx know it was safe then set it down for him to use. "My daughter wanted you to know that she prepared that yogurt especially for you."


Saif nodded. "She is now old enough to marry and has a bit of a crush on you, I'm afraid. As it has been nearing the time of your bi-yearly visit, she has driven me mad, begging me to mention her to you while you're here."

Styxx swallowed his coffee. "I am truly honored and humbled by her affection, Your Highness. And while she is a very beautiful woman, it wouldn't be fair for her to share my heart with my first wife. Dima deserves a man who can love her with the whole of his being."

Saif smiled. "And that is why she regards you so highly. You are honest and forthright."

"I humbly try."

Rahim held a spit of lamb for Styxx so that he could cut some of the meat off to eat.

Styxx thanked him.

Saif sat back with his cup. There was a light in his dark eyes that didn't bode well for Styxx. "You have come just in time, prince."

"How so?"

"We have tourists who will soon invade our camp. If you will help us negotiate with them, I will be more than pleased to pay you for your services."

Styxx would rather be hit in the head with a sledgehammer, repeatedly. But he smiled, knowing he would do it anyway. Saif and his people had been very good to him over the last four years and he would do anything for them.

"It would be my honor and privilege to aid you and your people, Your Highness."

"Good. These tourists make my head crazy."

Styxx had just finished his third cup of coffee when he heard the gunshots that announced the arrival of the tourists who must be European or American for the sheikh to ask for his help.

The expression on Saif's face said he shared Styxx's enthusiasm for their arrival. However they were a necessary evil for the tribe. Rich tourists could pay a small fortune for the handmade wares and items that Styxx bartered hides for. And the tour companies loved camps such as this where they could safely bring their groups and know that no harm would come to them.

Saif quirked a wry grin at Styxx. "Today, you prove your friendship to my people, Your Highness."

Yes, he did.

Dreading it already, Styxx followed Rahim outside to find two busloads of gawkers who were making photos of the Bedouin camp and spectacles of themselves. Too late, Styxx remembered his face was showing.


And because of his massive height, he stood out from the rest of the tribe. Cameras and phones turned toward him like he was the reigning celebutante at the hottest Hollywood club.

Covering his face, he slid his gaze to Rahim. "Tell your cousin, the price for my services just doubled."

Rahim laughed, knowing Styxx was joking.

One of the women squealed as she showed a photo on her phone to another woman who was with her. "Oh my God!" she said in English. "This goes to Facebook as soon as I have reception. Do they sell their men like their women? How many camels would we have to buy for him?"

"Forget buying, can we just rent him out for an hour?"

Those were the least raunchy of their comments. And never mind the lechery going on inside their heads. It was enough to make him want to grab his rifle to hold the she-wolves off in case they attacked.

Styxx paused beside them. "Ladies, I speak English. Fluently."

They couldn't have turned any redder had they been walking naked in the Sahara for a month.

Ignoring them, Styxx went over to the tents where the tribe had laid out the wares they had for sale. As he was helping Farid haggle over the price of a carpet with a rich banker, he felt a slight tugging on his sleeve.

"Oh, Beth, don't do that!"

His heart clenched at the name. He looked down into a pair of wide, bright hazel eyes of a five-year-old girl whose face was framed with black pigtails.

"Are you a giant?" she asked, ignoring her mother's warning. "Do you eat little kids like a troll?"

Squatting down, Styxx exposed his face for her to see that he wasn't really scary. "No, little one. But do you want to know how I grew to such height?"

She nodded eagerly.

"I ate all my vegetables and drank a lot of milk."


Styxx glanced up to see her mother smiling down at them. "It's very true." Pushing his sleeve back to expose the small ribbons he used to secure his arm sheaths in place, he pulled a red one loose. "Where I grew up, it's customary to give a gift to the prettiest girl we've ever seen." He held the ribbon out to her and then tied it around her tiny wrist. "Beths are always counted among the most beautiful of all women."

"Thank you." She curtsied to him.

Styxx covered his heart with his hand and bowed his head.

"Thank you," her mother repeated. "I'm sorry she bothered you."

"It's all right. She's no bother at all. Children are our most precious gifts and should always be cherished." Styxx covered his face and returned to helping Farid.

After a few minutes, his nose started bleeding from the pain of their thoughts screaming in his head. Since he spent so much time alone, he was out of practice with protecting himself.

Styxx reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. He excused himself and went outside to the back of the tent to tend it.

"Are you all right?"

He turned slightly to find a young woman around the age of twenty. "Fine. I get them all the time."

"Yeah, me, too. Especially here with this really dry air." She reached into her bag and pulled out a cellophane-covered box of nasal saline spray then handed it to him. "It really helps prevent them. You can keep that one, I have three more. Yes, I'm that OCD."

Styxx smiled at her. "Thank you."

"No problem." She left him and rejoined her friends.

As soon as the nosebleed stopped, he returned to the tent to finish the transactions.

When the woman who'd given him the nose spray went to buy a bracelet, he told Farid in Egyptian to charge it to his account.

Farid smiled at the girl then responded in broken English. "For you ... nothing. Take. Take."

She thanked him then turned a suspicious eye to Styxx. "Did you just buy this for me?"

"One good deed deserves another."

She shook her head. "It's too much. The spray isn't expensive."

"In my culture, the price of the gift isn't what's important. It's the heart behind it, which makes the nose spray very valuable to me."

"That's beautiful. Is that a desert custom?"


She frowned at the unfamiliar name. "Where's that?"

Unfortunately, it was currently at the bottom of the Aegean, courtesy of his brother. "A province of Greece."

"You're Greek?" She beamed in happiness. "My great-grandmother was from there."

Styxx smiled in spite of himself. "What a coincidence. So was mine."

She laughed.

"Hey, Mindy? You think we could get a picture with your new friend?"

Styxx cringed at the question.

"Would you mind?" Mindy asked hopefully.

Like having my eyes gouged. "It's fine."

Squealing, her friends crowded around him to make photos.

"Can we take one with your face exposed? Please!"

Styxx had to force himself not to grimace. "Who needs a soul in this day and age?"


Rahim came up to laugh while the women took turns posing with Styxx. "You should be charging, my friend," he said in Egyptian.

Feigning laughter, Styxx folded his middle finger down and gestured back at him.

"Oh, very nice to teach the tourists. Very nice!"

"What are they saying?" Ana asked Mindy, who shrugged.

"He was correcting my behavior," Styxx explained, "and I gestured my displeasure of his censure."

"Ooo," one of the girls said, "he's like smart and stuff."

"I love your accent. Are you an Arab?"


"Are you a bandit?"

"He's a full-blooded prince." Their eyes widened at Rahim's random comment as he passed back by them.

Styxx growled low in his throat before he spoke in Egyptian. "Thank you, Rahim. May all of the fleas of the desert roost in your most private places."

"And the same good wishes to you, my prince," he responded in English.

Now the women were bombarding him with questions and gropes.

"Guys!" Mindy snapped. "Stop acting like a bunch of slutty porn queens. Leave the poor man alone." She pulled him away from them. "Sorry. We're from Minnesota, which is in the-"

"I know where it is." Urian's sister-in-law lived there and it was where Urian spent part of every year.

"Oh. Sorry. Anyway, we don't get to meet princes where we live." Especially not ones that look like you. Forget William, you make him look like a shriveled goat.

The William comment, however, he had no clue about.

"No problem."

As he started away, Mindy took his arm. "What's your name?"


"Like the band?"

A smile quirked at the edges of his lips. "Like the river in the Greek Underworld that the band and I are named after."

"Oh. That's cool ... anyway, we're flying back to the States in two days. Our fall classes start back next week. Um, if you'd like to have lunch or something before we leave..." She bit her lip hopefully as she ran her hand along the edges of her lacy tank top that exposed the top swell of her large breasts.

For the first time in a long while, Styxx felt a stirring in his body. She was actually starting to arouse him.

Before he could stop himself, he dipped his head down to capture her lips. Groaning, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him against her voluptuous body.

Styxx closed his eyes as he savored the sensation of being held again. It'd been so very long....

But as the scent of her perfume hit him, it quelled his desire. This wasn't his Bethany. And while he savored the sensation of being physically touched, it wasn't what he craved. Not to mention the small fact that if Mindy saw the scars that covered him there would be questions he didn't want to answer. Memories he didn't want to deal with.

He pulled back and cupped her cheek in his hand. "It was nice meeting you, Mindy. Have a safe journey home." Heartbroken and lonely, he turned and walked away.

Damn you, gods. Between them and the cruelty of his parents and uncle, they'd not only taken his heart, they'd taken his soul.

And while he'd finally found peace in the desert, he'd never found happiness or acceptance anywhere other than in Bethany's arms.

September 3, 2012

For hours now, Styxx had seen the vultures circling something. Since they continued to be airborne, he knew their victim was still breathing. But it wasn't until he neared the top of a dune and Skylos took off barking that he realized their intended meal was human.

He kicked his horse forward, pulling Jabar behind him as he closed the distance to see a body half buried in the sand.

After dismounting, he approached slowly. Sometimes bandits would use this as a ruse to trap victims. But since Skylos continued to be occupied by the man on the ground and wasn't running around to warn of others, it was a good bet the man was alone.

However, treachery and trickery were often a necessary part of desert survival. With one hand on the gun concealed at the base of his spine, Styxx closed the distance cautiously.

It was a tall, frail man whose pale skin had been ravaged by the harsh sun.

Carefully, Styxx placed his hand to the man's exposed, blistered shoulder. "Are you Egyptian?"

"Yes." The response was so low, he wasn't sure he heard it. No trickery here. The man was practically dead.

"I mean you no harm." Styxx pulled his aba off to cover the man's raw, sun-ravaged skin. "I'm going to slowly roll you over, okay?"

He didn't respond.

As gently as he could, Styxx dug the man's body out of the sand. He cursed as he saw the rusted stake and chains that had been used to secure his legs to the ground. Unsure if it'd been meant as tribal punishment or had been done by raiders, Styxx pulled his canteen off and opened it. He helped the man to drink. "Slow and easy." If he drank too fast in this condition, it'd only sicken him.

Styxx made him as comfortable as possible. "I'll be back. I need to get bolt cutters to free you."

His breathing ragged, the man said nothing as Styxx left him to go through his pack on Jabar. Just as he found the tool he was looking for, Skylos started barking again. He looked up to see the wall of rushing sand several miles away.

Crap ...

Clicking his tongue to urge his camel forward, he pulled Jabar toward the man and had the camel sit so that both of them were on the leeward side of it. "Wasima!" he said sharply to his horse, calling her over so that he could have her lie down on the ground to prepare for the coming storm.

Panic was in the man's eyes as Styxx returned to him.

"Simoon," he explained as he covered the stranger's mouth and eyes to protect them from the sandstorm headed their way.

Skylos ran back and forth, barking to alert him.

"Here, boy!" Styxx shouted, trying to get the dog to calm down enough to sit by the man so that the camel could protect the dog, too.

He'd barely cut through the steel and pulled the man against the camel and covered him and Skylos with a blanket before the storm hit. Since there wasn't enough room for all of them under the blanket, Styxx kept his head down as the harsh wind and sand tore at his clothes and exposed skin.

Luckily, it was a short storm and was over in about twenty-five minutes. After shaking the sand off himself, Styxx dug the animals and man out. Jabar nipped angrily at his shoulder as Styxx helped him to stand. "I know. Sorry, old friend."

Wasima wasn't much happier, but Skylos didn't mind. He rolled over for Styxx to scratch his belly. He patted him gently on the ribs laughed at the dog's playfulness.

"Later, Skylos." He had the man to see about.

Gratitude shined in the man's eyes. "Thank you," he breathed.

"You're welcome." Styxx pulled out an energy bar and pressed it into his hands. "I'll get camp made as soon as I can."

He attacked the bar while Styxx went to unpack. Since Styxx was still on the move toward his usual campsite, he normally wouldn't have pitched the tent or stopped this early in the day, but the man needed care before he traveled or he wouldn't make it.

Once Styxx had the tent up and his bedroll out, he carried the man in to lie down while he finished preparations. "My name is Styxx," he said as he tucked the blanket around him.

The man placed his hand to his heart and bowed his head. "Seti."

Styxx covered his hand with his own. "Rest easy." He pulled his backpack over to Seti. "I have more food and water in here. Eat slowly and let me know if you need anything else. I have a few more things to do and the animals to care for then I'll be back."

"Thank you, Styxx."

He inclined his head before he left to tend the animals and unpack the rest of his supplies.

By the time he returned, Skylos was lying beside Seti who looked a lot better than he had earlier. He was still blistered and skeletal, but there was now life in his blue eyes.

Seti smiled as he saw him entering the tent.

Styxx pulled his keffiyeh down to expose his face. He set the medical pack next to his pallet and knelt by Seti's side. "What happened to you?"

"I was attacked by a vicious bastard and his she-bitch and left for dead. May they rot for all eternity."

Grimacing in sympathetic pain, Styxx handed him a bottle of aloe gel. "That'll help with the sunburn."

Seti caught his hand and frowned at the sight of the cuts on his skin the storm had given him. "I am sorry I caused you to be harmed."

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad I got to you before the simoon hit."

"Me, too."

Styxx set up the lanterns, but didn't turn them on. He paused as he saw his sketchbook on the ground near Seti. It'd been inside the backpack with his food.

"Your drawings?"

"They are." Embarrassed that someone else had seen them, Styxx picked the book up and returned it to the backpack.

"You are very talented, my friend. The woman ... is she yours?"

"My beautiful wife, Beth."

Seti inclined his head respectfully. "You're a very lucky man."

"I was, indeed."


His heart aching, Styxx glanced down at the names on his arm as he zipped his backpack closed. "She died a long time ago."

For a moment, Seti's eyes darkened as if he felt the pain of her death as deeply as Styxx did. "I am very sorry for your loss."

"Thank you."

"And the boy? Your son?"

With a ragged breath, Styxx stood up. "Yes, but I never met him. My wife was expecting him when I lost her."

"Again, I am very, very sorry."

Styxx pulled out a new stick of lip balm and handed it to Seti. "What of you? Have you a wife?"

Seti frowned at the balm as if he'd never seen anything like it before. "I've had many. And you ... have you another?"

"No. Just the one."

"You're a young man. Why only one?"

Styxx smiled wistfully. "You can't improve perfection, Seti, and there will never be another woman equal to my precious Bethany. But I am sure your wives will be glad to have you back. And your children, too."

"Alas, I have no children. Not anymore." The sadness in Seti's voice said that they shared the same pain.

"I'm sorry." Styxx cleared his throat and changed the subject. "I have coffee and tea. Which would you prefer?"

"I would sacrifice a goat for coffee."

He let out a short laugh at the desperation in Seti's voice. He'd been there himself. "Coffee it is. I'll be back with it shortly."

It didn't take Styxx long to make the coffee and return to Seti, who was propped on his bedroll, rubbing Skylos's ears.

"So what has brought you to the desert, my young friend?"

Styxx handed him a cup of thick Greek coffee. "I'm at peace here." At least that was what he thought until the sign on his back started tingling....

"Are you all right?"

Styxx glanced around. Was Apollo nearby? He turned back toward Seti and smiled. "Fine. Just a ... weird feeling I haven't had in a long time."

One that told him something evil was watching. He just didn't know what.

Or who.

September 8, 2012


Styxx slowed down as Seti shouted. When Seti had told him where his brother lived, he'd expected a camp or small village. That was not where they were. "Your brother lives in a cave?"

"He does, indeed." Seti dismounted from Wasima and led Styxx toward the small opening.

There was something very peculiar about this place. Other than the fact it was ancient. While Seti went inside to look for his brother, Styxx watered the animals. They'd been traveling most of the morning, and on his own, he'd have never gone this long without a break for them. But Seti had been dying to let his brother know he lived.

A small group of goats came down the side of the hill to chatter at him. Actually, they wanted water, too.

Laughing at their eagerness, Styxx pulled out another bowl and poured them some. He'd just finished when Seti returned with a man who was almost the same height as Styxx. There was something he didn't see every day, especially with desert people.

"Styxx, meet my brother. Zakar ... Styxx."

Much younger than Styxx expected, Zakar had curly black hair and eyes that were very different from Seti's red hair and baby blues. They looked nothing alike, but Styxx wasn't about to mention it. And now that he thought about it, Zakar reminded him a lot of Acheron's son-in-law, Sin.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Styxx. Thank you for freeing my brother. I'd begun to despair of ever seeing him again."

"The pleasure is all mine. I'm merely grateful I got to him when I did."

The brothers exchanged an odd look and it wasn't until then that Styxx realized he couldn't hear either of their thoughts.... Because he'd been alone for so long, it hadn't dawned on him that he couldn't hear Seti's until now.

Hmmm, peculiar.

Zakar gestured toward the cave. "I have fresh coffee and yogurt, as well as some fruit and hummus with crackers."

Even though he'd rather be on his way, Styxx smiled and yielded to desert custom and hospitality. "Thank you, that would be wonderful and much appreciated."

He followed them inside to find a surprising home. Outside, it looked meager and uninviting. Inside, it was a palace. He uncovered his face as he glanced around at the ornate and expensive furnishings. "You have a beautiful home."

"Thank you." Zakar went to get the coffee and refreshments while Seti led him to an actual couch and chairs.

Styxx sighed as he sank down into an extremely comfortable recliner.

"Good, eh?"

Completely amazed, Styxx nodded. "Not used to anything this luxurious." It felt so good, he had to struggle to stay awake and bite back a yawn.

Seti said something, but honestly he was too drowsy to understand it. Styxx tried to blink his eyes open, but the next thing he knew, he was out.

Zakar set the coffee down and arched his brow. "Is he an offering?"

"No!" Seti snapped.

"But he's marked by Apollo."

"He wasn't marked by choice and he's no friend of our enemy's."

Zakar frowned. "Is that why you brought him here?"

"No. I brought him here so that we could use him."


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