
Lady Pirate - Page 24/43

"Oh, he is, is he? " shesaid in a snarl, turningtostart toward whereHenry was still talkingwiththeman.

She was given pause when One-Eye calledout, "Aye, but he weren'tdriving it.Somefella stole it from him onthe next block.

Hechased after him on foot andcame on the accident after it happened."

Valoree hesitated, her gaze moving to where One-Eye was strugglingto control the horses.The man was a sailor.He didn't know the first thingaboutdriving. As far asshe knew, Skully and No-Nose werethe onlymembers of her crew who had any skill with the beasts. Sighing, she turnedback toward the three men still talking down the street. "Henry! Bring thatman overhere!"

Henry glancedtowardher, hesitated, then started to leadthe man back. He wasabout Henry's height and nearly as muscular, his face covered with soot. He hadbeendelivering coal tothe town houseswhenhis wagon had been stolen, she guessed. The bottom andsides of hisconveyance were stained black fromthe dust of the coal.

"This is your wagon? " Valoreeasked assoon as he was close enough tohearwithout herhaving to shout.

"Aye. The dirtyblighter stole it. I - "

"One of mymen isinjured, " Valoree interruptedshortly as he stoppedbeforeher. "I need toget him to the docks.Can you take him? "

The man hesitated, displeasure shifting over his features. "Why can't ye just take himinyour damn carriage? He not goodenough todirty the seats? "

Valoree stiffened, her eyes narrowing to cold slits that were usually a warning to her men that they were treading adangerous path. "His leg isbroken.He needs to be kept flat. The carriage is too small for that. He must be returned to the docks in your wagon. What I am asking you, is whether youwish to do the driving and be recompensed for it, or whetheryouwishto stand here andwatchit betaken. Now, which isit? "

The man's gazeslid from herto Bull, to Henry andDaniel, then lastlyto One-Eye seated on the driver's bench. "Ah, hell, " he muttered, starting forthebench.

TurningtoBull, Valoree murmured, "Both you andOne-Eye gowithhim.Seehe's paid when hegetsyou there."

Nodding, Bull turned and hefted himself intothe back of the wagon.The driver climbed up to join One-Eye, who had shifted to make room for him. The vehicle was off almost at once.

Valoree waiteduntil ithad turned the corner before turning to move back to Thurborne's carriage.

The four of them were silent on the way back to the town house. Valoree was fretting over No-Nose. She almost asked Daniel to take them tothe docksseveral times, but then changed hermind.It would just meanmore questions. She already had enough on her plate whatwithhaving to explain aboutthe ship to him, and she knew she would have to. The nobleman kept looking ather. Of course, he was always looking at her, but he was looking at herdifferentlynow. Now, he kept castingcurious glancesher way.

Sighing, she leaned her head against thewall of the carriage, relievedwhen theystoppedat theirdestination a moment later.

They trooped silently inside and went directly to the salon.

Valoree moved to stand by the fireplace asHenry quickly fixed everyone a drink. He handed these out, then glanced at Daniel questioningly. "Are yestillhungry? "

Thurborne smiled wryly, but shook hishead, as did Valoree when he glanced her way.Henry'sgaze then moved to Meg, who sighed and set her glass on the table, then stood. "Actually, Henry, I think I ammore tired than hungry.Ithas beenamost eventful night. If youwillallexcuse me, I amgoing to retire."

Sheleft the room to their murmurs of good-night; then Henry downed his drink and headed forthedoor aswell.

"I'm goingto talk tothemen. Goodnight, Thurborne." The door pulled quietly closedbehind him before Valoree or Daniel could say farewell.

Nowthequestionswould begin, Valoree thought.She lifted her glassto drink fromit, but Danieldidn't ask questions. Instead he was suddenlybehindher, his hands on hershoulders, histhumbs rubbing the bare flesh ofher collarbones. He pressed a kiss tothe back of her neck. Swallowing the rum in her mouth, Valoree stood perfectly still, amazed to seethat the handholding herglass was beginning to tremble.

The shaking became much moreviolentwhen his hands slid down her arms, then beneath to reach around and cup her breasts. Twisting her head, Valoree sought his lips with hers, sighinginto hismouth when he accepted theinvitation.He kissed herpassionately, one handdropping down over herstomach, then lower, until it rested between her legs.There, he pressed gently.

Shegroaned, barely aware of the splash of cold liquid on her skin asthe glass she held tipped dangerously. Then he withdrew his hands, andhis lips, and gave her aquick peck on the nose.

Eyes blinkingopen, she stared in amazement at his retreating back, then whirledtoward the fireplace, throwingher glass inthe fire with a vulgar curse. Leaning herforeheadwearily againstthe mantel, she heard the front door of the town house open and closequietly.She wasstill standingthere several moments later when the door tothesalonopenedagain.

"Captain? "

Sighing, Valoree straightened, took adeep breath, thenturned topeeratHenry."Aye, what isit? "

He stared at her uncertainly for a minute, concern flashing across his face. "Are yeall right? "

"Iam fine.Why shouldn't I be? "she snapped. "Is that all? "

"Nay, Iwantedto talk toyou about the carriage accident."

Sighing, Valoree moved to one of thechairs andsank into it wearily, then gestured for him to sit in the other. "Have you heard from the ship? Is No-Nose going tobe all right? "

"Aye. One-Eye and Bull returned with Skully just a minute ago. Scratchy islooking after No-Nose. Saysitwasa cleanbreak andhe might even keep his leg."

Valoree relaxed slightly at thatnews. "Good."

"Skully's going toarrange foranother hack first thing inthe morning. We paid for the other."

"Alsogood." Theywere both silent for a moment; then Valoree frowned.

"What is it? " Henry asked, waiting.

Valoreemet his gaze, her thoughts shifting for a moment."I want youto have a coupleof the men go out tomorrow and talk tothat wagonowner again."

"Why? Whatis itye want toknow? Do you not think it was an accident, pure and simple? Thefellow stole thewagon and in his excitement toget away, went toofast and lost control."

"Maybe, " Valoree murmured, then shrugged. "Just have them find outeverything theownercan tellthemabout the fellow he saw stealit."

Henry nodded slowly; thenthey both fellsilent for a moment.

At lasthe asked, "Have yemade upyour mindyet? "

She peeredathim in surprise. "About what?

"About which oneto marry, " he answered. "Scrantom wasthe last of'em on your list. Ye'vevisited with all of them now."

Valoree looked away toward the fireplace. "Nay. But I've narrowedthelist."

"Aye, ye've done that, all right. Ye'veonly gotHawghton and Beecham left on it."

"Aye, "Valoree agreed.

Whenshe didn't say anythingelse, Henry said, "Should I send a letter around to those two, inviting them by for ye to have another gander? "

Sighing, Valoree lether head fall backonthe chair and closed hereyes. "Aye, aye. Go ahead."

"I'll write 'em upbefore Igo tobed so one of the mencan run them around first thinginthemorning. Good night."

She didn't hear him get up, but shedid hear thedooropen and close. Sighing, she turned her head toward the fireplace and staredintoitfor a moment, picturingHawghton and Beechamin hermind.

Hawghton wasa handsomeman, mayhapeven more handsome than Daniel. He was also a charmer like Daniel. But, unlike Thurborne, who Henry toldherhadspentmostof his time out tendingto his estates since inheriting, Hawghton neglected his affairsand lived inLondon, wherehecould enjoythe high life.

Gambling appearedto be his downfall. He, unlikemost of the others, was not a second son. He wasa firstborn sonwho had inherited a greatdeal of wealth with histitlewhen his father had died three years earlier.Hehad also gambled mostofit awayin the short time since.

Or thrown it away on some mistress or another. Henry had seento looking into eachman. Hawghton liked gambling, women, and drinking. Betweenthe three vices, he couldn't seemtohold on to a coin.Still, thatdidn't bother hermuch. Once the child was bornandhe wasno longernecessary, shecould sethim upin town on a nice allowance that he could gamble away as he pleased.

What bothered her was that during their appointment, when they had gone to the theater - the only appointment she had managed without Daniel being there - She had glimpseda flash of fury in the man. It was as they were leaving Drury Lane.

Someonehadjostledhim and he had turnedin a rage, his face suddenly beet red and looking as if he meant to strike the unfortunate passerby with hiscane. Valoree had shifted then, drawing his gaze, and Hawghton hadforced himselfto relax and immediately release one of his charming laughs. All as if the incidenthad never happened. But the momenthadstuckin her mind. The man had a temper, and asecond appointmentwasonly to assure herself of that. Shewould not marry a man whomight raise his cane to her. She'd have to kill the bastard then, and she hadenoughtroubles without that.

That leftBeecham. Hewas aperfectlynice man, unlike Daniel, who wasan evil, irritating bastard. He was smart, unlike Daniel, who didn't know enough to take a woman when she offered herself. Hewasalso good withmoney. In fact, from what Henry could findout, hehad absolutely no need for her money, so she was not quitesure of his motives for offering tomarry her. That was bothersome. He had taken her to a coffeehouse for his appointment, andValoree had enjoyed herself.Daniel hadshown up, of course, but hehad not done anything at all to emphasize anyfaults Beecham might have. She supposed he didn't really have any. He didn't rattle on about himself endlessly, or talk snidely about others. In fact, he wasa very quiet man. He didn't sniffle orwhine asHavershamhad ... or hadthatbeen Griswold?

He did not waste hismoney on gamblinglike Hawghton, and he certainly had not tried to slip his foot under her skirts like Scrantom. He was just a nice man who would make a fine husband.

But therewould never beany passion there. She was positive of that. Beecham had not tried to kiss ortouch her in any way during his appointment, but she knew despite that, his kisses would be justas mildand unassuming as hewas. Unlike Daniel's kisses, which curled her toes andsinged herinsides.

Sighing, sheleaned her head back onthechair, closing her eyes again, her mind drifting. Sheheardthemenmoving about, talking quietlyas theymade their way tobed, butshewas suddenly too tired tobother getting upto goto bedherself. She knew she was falling asleep right therein thechair, but couldn't seem to rouse herself enough care.

Shewasn't sure what itwas that woke her. Perhaps itwas a sound that disturbedher dreamless rest, or perhaps it was her neck, which wasstiff and sore from nodding off in the chair.

Whatever it was, she woke abruptly, hereyes darting aroundthe dark room.Thefirehad goneout while she slept, but the smoky scent of itwas still in the air.

Grimacing at the pain in her neck, she rubbed atitirritably and forced herself to get up. Bed was where she belonged. She stumbledtoward the line of light beneath the salon door, thinking she would have to cuss out the men in the morning for such foolishness. They were obviously getting lazy on land if they were not even bothering to putthecandles out before retiring.

The last thing they needed was a fire.

The waveof warm, thick smoke that rolled over her as she opened the door was enough to wash such thoughts from her mind.Thelight had not been from candles at all, but from across the hall. The library door was open, and showed thefire licking its way up the drapescovering the window inside.

Bellowingat the topof her lungsforher men, Valoree hurried into the room, taking in the situation at a glance. The drapes were ablaze, and the firewas spreading from there. Runningforward, she snatchedat thecurtains, ignoringthe pain that shotthrough her fingers as she did, and ripping the drapes from thewindow.

She letgoas soon as they fell, thengrabbed up her skirts and proceeded to try stomping on the flames.Someone grabbed her from behind and moved her outof the way.

"Get outof here! Your skirts'll catchfire. Go wakethe others!"

Henry shouted, pushingher toward the door.

Valoree hesitated, then left himto it andchargedupthe stairs, roaring at the top of her lungs as she went.One-Eye met her as she reached the upperlanding.

"What's goingon? " he asked, still half-asleep but waking up quickly.

"Fire, " Valoree snapped, pausing to push Meg's door open without knocking."Get up!" she yelled, hurryingin to shakethe old woman awake. "Move it, Meg. We'vegota firebelow."

"What? " the woman muttered, sitting up groggily, then immediately began coughing. Thesmokehad followed Valoree upstairsand was now rolling across the ceilingin large, billowing waves.

"Come on!" Valoreetuggedthe womanout of bed, grabbed a wrapoff thechair, tossedit around her shoulders, and bundled her quickly out of the room.She was just intime tosee Bull and Skully head downthestairs. Hurrying the older woman along, Valoreeran her down the stairs and pulled the frontdoor open.

She wasaboutto shove Megthroughwhen Henryshouted, "It's out!"

Pausing, she whirled to stare through the smoke-filled entry toward the men comingout of the library. "What? " she askedin amazement.

"It hadn't got far, "he explained, waving his hand in frontof his face and movingto join her where sheand Megnowstood inthe open door. "I managedto get thedrapes put out, and your shout woke Petey. He came out ofhis room off the kitchen, grabbed a pail of water on the way, and threw that over the rest." He shrugged. "That wastheend of that."

Sighing, Valoree sagged against the door frame, breathing in the fresh air that was rushinginto the entryeven asthesmoke drifted slowly out."What happened? What startedit? "


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