
Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2) - Page 24/62

Oh... shit, shit, shit.

"The Shalott," the beast hissed.

Mesmerized by the fiery gaze it took Shay a long moment to hear the cold, furious voice from deeper in the shadows.

"Goddammit, Shay, I told you to leave. Get the hell out of here."

She grimaced as she came back to herself with a sudden thud. Were all vampires such ungrateful asses, or was Viper a special breed?

The demon standing before her gave a rumbling laugh that echoed through the tunnel. Disturbing. Very, very disturbing.

"There is nowhere you can run that I will not find you Shalott, but come to me and I will spare the lives of these two he promised in a rasping voice. Shay sucked in a deep breath as she covertly reached into the bag and closed her fingers around one of the ceramic jugs. "Come to me now" the demon roared!

"I'm coming, I'm coming," she muttered.

"Shay." There was an edge of something that might have been panic in Viper's smooth voice. "The Lu is trapped for the moment, but I can't hold him for long. Get out of here."

"Do what he says, Shay," Levet echoed. "You can't defeatthis beast."

The beast in question gave a low hiss toward the gargoyle before attempting to look harmless. A hopeless task, of course.

"I am not your enemy, my dear. I have only come to collect you for my master." The glow rippled eerily over the demons scales, as if he were in the grip of some fierce emotion. "A master who does not like to be disappointed."

She took a step closer. Not that she wanted to be in biting distance of those sharp teeth. But she had to be near enough to use what weapons she possessed.

"Who is this mysterious master?" she demanded, more to keep him distracted than to discover the truth.

Priorities, priorities.

Get out of this alive, and then worry about who wanted her so desperately.

"A powerful friend, or deadly enemy. The choice is yours."

"You still have yet to give me a name."

"His name is forbidden to speak, but I assure you that I mean you no harm."

Shay rolled her eyes at the typical demon mumbo jumbo. "Somehow I find that hard to believe."

"You have my pledge that I will take you without harm to my master. Does that satisfy you?"

"That all depends on what's going to happen after we arrive." She inched closer. "What does your master want with me?"

"That is a question that he will have to answer."

"You are not exactly inspiring my confidence."

The red eyes flashed with dangerous fire. Or at least one red eye did. The other was currently sporting a heavy dagger. Ick.

"I have no need. Either you go with me willingly, or I take you by force. There are no other options."

Shay sensed Viper slowly edging around the back of the demon, but she dared not take her eyes from the dangerous mouth that hovered all too near. She had no idea if her impetuous plan would work, and it seemed wise to be prepared to duck.

She was rather fond of her head precisely where it was.

"Actually ..." she murmured, pulling out the ceramic pot. "I have another option."

"Shay, no "

Viper's words came too late as she hastily launched the pot. It busted against the long snout and the demon roared with unmistakable pain.

For a moment Shay was blinded by the sharp glow that rippled over the scales. She hadn't been expecting the flare of light, and her brief vulnerability cost her as the demon lunged forward and used his head to smash her against the wall.

It hadn't been intended to be a killing blow, but that didn't keep it from hurting. With a shake of her head, she painfully forced herself to her feet and watched in horror as Viper threw himself between her and the razor-sharp teeth.

The Lu instantly charged and Shay's heart halted as the vampire raised his long sword to slash at the striking mouth. The ring of steel meeting something much harder than mere metal echoed through the tunnel.

Shay scrambled to retrieve her fallen bag and pulled out another pot. She had to do something before the demon managed to reach Viper.

As she came to her feet, however, she heard a sharp hiss and her eyes widened as Viper's sword slowly began to sink into the thick scales.

"What's happening?" she demanded.

Viper's muscles rippled as he forced the deadly sword ever deeper. "The potion you threw on him has weakened his armor."

The Lu roared in anger and cocking back her arm Shay lofted the pot of nasty witch's brew directly into the bloody wound.

This time she was prepared for the shock of searing light and holding her arm over her eyes she attempted to ignore the high scream of pain.

Shalotts might be renowned warriors, but she had enough human in her to feel compassion for the dying demon. The Lu would no doubt kill all of them without an ounce of remorse, but she couldn't bear to prolong the obvious agony.

Bending down she grasped the last of the potions and prepared to launch it.

"Hold, pet," Viper abruptly commanded as he yanked free the sword that had sunk deep into the demon's skull. With a hiss, the Lu flopped to the ground.

"You cannot mean to leave him like this?" she demanded as she watched the beast twitch in a pool of his own blood.

"He made a bargain with me, did you not mighty Lu?"

The crimson eye slit open. "I do not bargain with vampires " he hissed.

Viper moved forward to place the tip of his sword on top of the demon's head. The scales had already begun to turn to a ghastly liquid.

"You said that if I could defeat you that you would answer my questions." Viper seemed to grow even bigger in the dimming glow of the scales. "You are defeated. Now honor your pledge."

For a moment the air shimmered with the frustrated fury of the dying demon. Then, astonishingly the Lu offered a rasping sigh.


"Why does your master want the Shalott?"

"For her blood."

Shay cringed. Damn her blood. It had a great deal to answer for. It seemed every demon in the world wanted a taste of it for one reason or another.

"Who is he?"

"I told you, I am forbidden from speaking his name."

"Then where can I find him?"

"He was in Chicago, but I feel him traveling farther away. I do not know where he is headed."

Viper gave a low growl, his hands tightening upon the hilt of the sword. "You have no answers for me."

The Lu gave a low, disturbing laugh. "Because you do not ask the right questions, vampire."

"What are the right questions?"

"Ah no, I will not make it that easy."

Shay stepped hastily forward. It didn't take a genius to realize that Viper had taken a giant leap over the edge of his patience. The Lu wouldn't be able to answer any questions once that sword slid through his brain.

"You said the master wanted me for my blood," she directly confronted the demon. "Does he intend to sell it or use it for himself?"

The crimson eye turned in her direction. Shay shivered at the unnerving intelligence that smoldered deep in the glittering depths. She abruptly realized he was far more than a lumbering, deadly beast. Or at least she assumed it was a he. She wasn't about to ask the thing to roll over and check.

"My master has no use for your blood himself" he hissed.

"So he intends to sell me?"

"You are ... more a means to an end."

Her own temper flared. No wonder he agreed to answer questions. He wasn't revealing a damn thing.

"Does he have Evor?"

Perhaps sensing her annoyance a smile of taunting satisfaction curved his lips.

"The troll is alive and well. For the moment."

Shay blinked in bewilderment. "What do you mean?"

"If you desire an answer to your questions, look to your curse." A horrid, bumbling sound came from the demon's throat and he gave a sudden shudder. "I have fulfilled my pledge, you damnable vampire, now end it."

Viper turned to send her a questioning glance. "Shay?"

There were no doubt a dozen other questions she should ask. Some the demon might even answer. But she couldn't do it.

Her stomach simply wasn't strong enough to watch any creature suffer.


The urge to turn away was nearly overwhelming, but Shay, forced herself to witness the killing blow. The demon had been after her, and her alone. It was entirely her fault that Viper and; Levet had been attacked at all. The least she could do was stand at his side while he vanquished her enemy.

Raising the sword Viper swung it with a fierce stroke that severed the long head with a clean blow. Like her he seemed intent on putting an end to the demon's suffering.

There was no sound to indicate the Lu was dead, but with a slow pulse the glow of the scales began to fade. Shay sent up a silent prayer. She wasn't sure what deity the Lu prayed to, but her words could surely not go astray.

A heavy silence descended as the darkness became complete. The demon was dead but Shay felt no sense of relief.

There was still something out there that wanted her blood.